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Grow: Spiritual Development

Saint Louis University’s Department of Campus Ministry offers many opportunities for 博彩网址大全 students to grow in their understanding and integration of the Christian faith and to participate more fully in the life of their faith communities.


Connect. Reflect. Transform.

  • Who We Are: The mission of the Journey Program at Saint Louis University is to empower students to experience transformative spiritual growth through opportunities to connect and 反映在依纳爵的传统中.
  • What We Do: Students of all walks of life and faith traditions gather each week in small intentional 来反思神在他们生命中的作为. Communities are led by campus ministers, Jesuits in formation, and experienced student leaders.
  • Join Us if You Seek to:
    • 属于一个给予生命的精神团体

    • 与他人建立真诚、持久的联系

    • 培养与神更深的关系

    • 学习如何将依纳爵的灵性融入日常生活

    • Grow in self-understanding

    • 体验变革性增长

    • 博彩网址大全发现祷告、休息、服侍和成长的新方法

旅程精神生活团体 are open to all 博彩网址大全 students on a rolling basis, and they start gathering weekly during the final week of August 2023.

加入很容易——只要去参加一个聚会! 不需要预先注册 process. Regular participation in The Journey Program satisfies 博彩网址大全 CORE requirements.

Questions? 给校园部长贝卡发邮件

We also encourage you to follow us on social media for upcoming event information and important updates. @sluministry

Fall 2023 Offerings


Mondays: 5:30-6:30 p.m.与校园牧师Michael Schreiner一起出席春季大厅教堂


Wednesdays: 1:30-2:30 p.m.与学生领袖大卫·金在玛格丽特大厅大厅


Wednesdays: 3-4 p.m.与校园部长吉姆·罗奇(Jim Roach)一起前往Griesedieck Hall 259

Imago Dei/灵性和LGBTQ+身份

Wednesdays: 4-5 p.m.与校园部长茱莉亚·厄德伦在斯塔克洛夫厅会面

Ignatian A.V. Club/Spirituality and Media

Wednesdays: 4-5 p.m.与校园部长妮可·阿姆斯特朗和贝卡 Muder


Wednesdays: 8-9 p.m.,乌勒大厅,多萝西休息室与尼克·利珀,S.J.


Thursdays: 4-5 p.m.,乌勒大厅,多萝西休息室与亚历克·赫福德,S.J.


Thursdays: 6-7 p.m., School of Medicine, Caroline Hall 207 with Campus Ministry Graduate Intern Sandra Dimitri

Spiritual Direction

If you want to develop a more meaningful spiritual or religious life, you may find a one-on-one relationship with a trained spiritual director beneficial. Spiritual direction creates a space for you to honestly evaluate your life, seek the meaning behind important decisions about the future and find a pathway to better understand 对于你,上帝是谁?对于上帝,你又是谁.

This process can be helpful whether you want to further develop a prayerful relationship 或者如果你在信仰上挣扎,需要鼓励.

The time spent in spiritual direction is unique to you, but a typical session lasts 大约45-60分钟,一个月一次. 上帝在万物中工作,所以 分享是没有限制的. 导演会听你的,然后一起, 你要寻求神在你生命中的作为.

Some directors may charge a small fee, so discussing this before meeting is best.

Find a Spiritual Director

Please note: Some spiritual directors are trained pastoral or psychological counselors, but problem-solving or therapy is not the focus. 精神指导关系的焦点是你自己 experience of God. 治疗咨询可通过大学咨询 at 314-977-8255.

Bereavement Ministry

“从来没有人告诉过我,悲伤感觉就像恐惧." -C.S Lewis, A Grief Observed

“We are not adrift in chaos. 对我来说,这是最坚强,最稳定的, the most peace-giving thing that I know about anything in the universe. Every time things have seemingly fallen apart in my life, I have returned to those things that do not change. 宇宙中没有任何东西能改变这些事实. [Jesus] loves me. 我不受运气的摆布.——伊丽莎白·艾略特,《痛苦永远不会是徒劳的

“There are many things that can only be seen through eyes that have cried.” -St. Oscar Romero

"Jesus wept." -John 11:35

Sharing your grief — in a safe space with trusted people who have known similar sorrows — is one way to help make some sense of the complexity of thoughts, feelings and emotions that arise amidst a loss. 如果你是博彩网址大全的学生,正在为失去亲人而悲伤 你想让吉姆联系你,拜托了 点击这里与他联系.

The Department of Campus Ministry sponsors a student-only Grief Support Group get-together via Zoom from 4-5 p.m. 每个月的第一个星期三. The meeting ID is 999 2474 2599. 欲了解更多信息,请联系Jim Roach

Bereavement Support Apps

博彩网址大全 Department of Campus Ministry, while having no affiliation with or responsibility for any content generated by the resources, recognizes that some of these may benefit 那些因失去亲人而悲伤的人. 此列表不应被解释 作为详尽的,仅仅是暗示. 如果你想建议博彩网址大全的平台 学生们,请给校园部长吉姆·罗奇发电子邮件 to let him know.

  • A Safe Place: "The Safe Place" Is a Minority Mental Health App geared towards the Black Community”
  • Actively Moving Forward: “Actively Moving Forward (AMF) is a nonprofit whose mission is to help support, empower 把悲痛的年轻人从东海岸连接到西海岸.
  • Annie’s Hope: Annie’s Hope is a St. 总部设在路易斯的非营利组织,服务于儿童、青少年及其家庭 who grieve a death.”
  • Ayana Therapy: Online mental health therapy for marginalized and intersectional communities.
  • Calm: “Take a deep breath. 训练你的大脑睡得多,压力少,生活得更好.”
  • Exhale App: “打造biwoc所属的勇敢空间.”
  • Happify: “Overcome negative thoughts, stress and life’s challenges with science-based activities and games.”
  • Liberate: "Liberate is the #1 meditation app for the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color community."
  • Minds of the Culture: “Created and designed by therapist Chanda Reynolds, this mobile app是一个帮助黑人社区应对心理健康的工具.
  • Red Bird Ministries: “We are a Catholic grief support ministry providing support for families who have 不得不面对失去孩子的不可思议的事.”
  • Sanvello: “A place to feel better, wherever you go: Self-care, peer support, coaching and therapy. 从App Store或Google Play下载.”
  • Shine: “We’re on a mission to make caring for your mental and emotional health easier, more 更具代表性和包容性——我们所有的经历.”
  • [http://therapyforblackmen.黑人男性治疗:“力量仍然需要支持."
  • 7 Cups: “消除障碍,获得支持. 一群善良、富有同情心的听众 谁提供匿名和免费的情感支持.”
  • Yoga for Grief": "Relieve stress caused by trauma and bring loving awareness to guide the mind and heart to the present moment. 这26分钟的课程旨在让你保持舒适 你在悲伤或悲伤的时候."

Other Spiritual Guidance

Pastoral Conversations

博彩网址大全’s campus ministry staff members are available for individual conversations — these 可以是严肃的、轻松的还是介于两者之间的. 约会可以提前安排 time by contacting a campus minister, but drop-ins are always welcome.

Campus ministers can assist you with transitions, evolving relationships and other life issues. They also foster prayer and faith development and discernment about your 人生方向,事业或职业.

Marriage Preparation

St. 弗朗西斯泽维尔学院教堂 can assist engaged couples in meeting church requirements for marriage preparation.


If you are not currently a member of the Catholic faith, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process through which you may become a full member of the church. Full membership involves a committed formation process that culminates in the sacraments 入会仪式:洗礼、坚振和圣餐.

This process involves a journey of faith and conversion through which you will be introduced to the beliefs, life, liturgy and apostolic work of the Catholic Church.

The Rite of Christian Initiation, or RCIA, is designed primarily for those seeking baptism. Because baptized Christians from other denominations may seek membership in the Catholic Church, the RCIA process is adapted to their needs as well. RCIA is also open to baptized but "unchurched" Catholics who want to complete their initiation by receiving confirmation.

会议于星期日下午7时至8时30分举行.m. 联系Nick Smith神父314-977-1535 or

Faith and Leadership

You can grow as a leader in your faith community by applying through campus ministry to assist with immersion experiences, CLCs, retreat teams, liturgy planning and more. Formation opportunities focus on community, Ignatian spirituality, social justice and solidarity. 联系任何一位校园牧师,寻找领导机会.