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Saint Louis University's bicentennial events celebrated our history, and fostered pride in and support for 博彩网址大全 locally, nationally and globally.

观看博彩网址大全 200周年节目的总结. 


Saint Louis University's bicentennial  activities and events from small talks and 在圣. 路易斯门拱门可以容纳6000多人. 


Thousands attended the outdoor Mass and festivities to kick off 博彩网址大全's bicentennial 年9月. 23, 2017, including students, parents, faculty, staff, alumni and the larger St. 路易社区.

Believed to be the first Mass ever held beneath the Arch, the setting recalled 博彩网址大全’s first location in a small home located on what is now the Arch grounds. 嘉宾包括St. 路易斯大主教罗伯特J. Carlson and principal chief of Osage Nation Geoffrey Standing Bear.



博彩网址大全 celebrated the finale of its bicentennial events at "祝博彩网址大全生日快乐," a 在Chaifetz Arena举办的特别活动,St. 路易斯交响乐团.

The St. 路易斯耶稣会士,鲍勃达福德,S.J.John Foley, S.J.蒂姆·曼尼昂和洛克·奥康纳 S.J., and the University Mastersingers joined the symphony in serenading the arena crowd. Selections included “When the Saints Go Marching In,” the theme from Steven 斯皮尔伯格的 E.T., 以及学校的校歌.”

The night’s festivities concluded with “Ite, inflammate Omnia,” an original work composed especially for the bicentennial celebration by Aaron Johnson, D.M.A.,助理教授 视觉与表演艺术系.

  • Historical Exhibition: Always at the Frontier: Saint Louis University 1818-2018, Saint 路易斯大学艺术博物馆
  • Display: A Retrospective of Learning Space at Saint Louis University, Pius XII Memorial Library
  • Student Research Project: Digitizing 博彩网址大全 Archival Data, Pius XII Memorial Library
  • 展览于5月24日至11月在兰伯特机场举行. 12, 2018
  • Exhibition, Timeline History of Career Services and Job Searching, Sept. 1–Oct. 15
  • Ongoing: Margaret Lazzari Art Exhibit, Community Gallery at 博彩网址大全MA
  • Billiken Parent and Family Association Family Trivia Night (Feb. 17, 2018)
  • Mission and Identity Lecture Series: Discerning Our Role in Creating a Society of 正义与爱(2月2日. 26, 2018) 
  • Conference: Intercultural Origins of Saint Louis and the Trans-Mississippi West, 1800-1840 (2018年3月22日至23日)
  • Women at 博彩网址大全: The Struggle for Knowledge, Power and Legacy (2018年3月22日至23日)
  • 格蕾丝和威廉·波特讲座(2018年3月23日)
  • Trudy and Christina Valentine Lecture Series: 90 Years of Nursing Excellence, 1928-2018, 过去和现在(2018年4月4日)
  • 二百周年五公里趣味跑/竞走(2018年4月15日)
  • Mission and Identity Lecture Series: Lessons from Pope Francis on American Politics 和公民生活(2018年4月16日)
  • The Church of the Gesu in Rome and its Global Legacy (April 16, 2018)
  • 从塞尔玛到圣. 路易斯:马丁·路德·金的神学.和追求正义 50年后(2018年4月17日至18日)
  • 2018 Walter J. 王氏纪念讲座及研讨会(2018年4月19日)
  • Exhibition, performance, recording and digital presentation of "The Window," written by Alfred Tennyson and Arthur Sullivan (April 20-22, 2018)
  • 圣路易斯气候峰会(4月22、23、24日)
  • 火箭发射(6月18-23日)
  • 比利肯斯棒球场之夜(8月8日. 30, 2018) 
  • Health and Social Justice 周年纪念 Conference (Sept. 13-15, 2018)
  • John F. 卡夫劳夫,年代.J.,讲座(九月). 20, 2018)
  • Mission and Identity Lecture Series: Reimagining Health Care – Ignatian Insights for 实现更大的利益(9月. 24, 2018)
  • 返校节和家庭周末(9月9日. 27-30, 2018)
  • 博彩网址大全 Fleur de Lis花艺漫步(9月. 28-29, 2018)
  • Saint Louis Literary Award Celebration of Stephen Sondheim (Oct. 4, 2018)
  • Pope Pius XII Symposium: The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany (Oct. 19, 2018) 
  • Mission and Identity Lecture Series: Jesuit Education – Do We Need a New Paradigm? (Nov. 5, 2018) 
  • 博彩网址大全200周年校庆 Fellows Symposium (Nov. 7, 2018) 
  • 院长杰出演讲系列:John O'Leary(11月11日. 8, 2018)
  • 祝博彩网址大全生日快乐 周年纪念 Finale and Concert (Nov. 15, 2018)
  • Saint Louis Literary Award Celebration: Margaret Atwood (Sept. 15, 2017) 
  • 与众不同的视野? 天主教教育50年后的土地O 'Lakes(9月. 20-22, 2017)
  • 公园学院:庆祝90年,1927-2017. 22, 2017)
  • 二百周年庆典启动活动:二百周年庆典弥撒(9月9日. 23, 2017)
  • 捕捉时间:两百周年纪念广场落成典礼(2009年9月. 24, 2017)
  • Occupational Therapy Department’s 25th Anniversary Celebration (Sept. 24, 2017)
  • 传说与爱情第一部分 & 2 (Oct. 26 & Nov. 15, 2017)
  • Mission and Identity 周年纪念 Lecture Series: Tattoos on the Heart: The Power 《博彩网址大全》(十一月. 2, 2017)
  • 威廉年代. Sly Lecture: Experiences in Research at Merck and Their Impact on World 健康(11月. 13, 2017)
  • 200周年纪念大钟揭幕仪式(11月11日. 14, 2017)
  • 生活在古代晚期:网站发布(12月. 6, 2017)


The bicentennial committee's guiding principles were clarity, simplicity, dignity 和包容. It emphasized outreach to the community, the Society of Jesus, the Catholic Church, and 博彩网址大全's faculty, staff, students and alumni. 
艾伦·哈什曼博士.D.Richard A. 查菲兹商学院 and former vice president for academic affairs, led a bicentennial steering committee of representatives from throughout 博彩网址大全, as well as the Jesuit community. 

  • Joe Adorjan, 博彩网址大全董事会(名誉)
  • 布拉德利·贝利博士.D., associate professor, Visual and Performing Arts, and Faculty 参议院的代表
  • Daniel Carter, president, Student Government Association
  • 克里斯·柯林斯,S.J., special assistant to the president for Mission and Identity
  • 梅格·康诺利,执行发展总监
  • 职员谘询委员会代表Peter Garvin
  • Laura Geiser, assistant vice president, Marketing and Creative Services
  • 艾伦·哈什曼博士.D.两百周年规划主任 
  • Ann Knezetic, counselor, Office of 博彩网址大全, former SGA president
  • Anthony Minor, assistant vice president, Stewardship, Alumni Relations
  • 泰瑞·默里博士.D., dean, School of Nursing, Academic Affairs representative
  • Donna Bess Myers, assistant dean of students, Student Life representative
  • 罗伯特·奥图尔,S.J.,耶稣会省代表
  • 约翰·帕德伯格,S.J.耶稣会历史学家和学者
  • 帕特·斯莱,博彩网址大全董事会副主席
  • John Waide, archivist (emeritus), Pius XII Memorial Library
  • Kathleen Becker, president, SSM Saint Louis University Hospital
  • 玛丽-海姆•伯纳德,St. 路易斯交响乐团
  • 威廉H.T. 布什,布什奥唐纳投资顾问公司主席
  • 罗伯特·J大主教. 卡尔森. Louis
  • Hon. 小威廉·莱西·克莱.美国国会议员.S. 众议院
  • 芭芭拉弗雷泽,教育联络员,圣. 路易斯县代表县长 史蒂夫轮
  • Karin Hagaman, Grand Center Inc .总裁兼首席执行官.
  • Sister Sheila Hammond, RSCJ, provincial, USA and Canada Society of the Sacred Heart
  • Thomas J. Irwin是公民进步组织的执行董事
  • Peter Wyse Jackson, president, Missouri Botanical Garden
  • 莉达·克鲁森,圣路易斯市市长. Louis
  • David Laughlin, president, Saint Louis University High School
  • Dennis Lower, Cortex公司总裁兼首席执行官
  • Michael P. McMillan, president and CEO, Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis Inc.
  • 凯萨琳T. Osborn, executive director, The Regional Business Council
  • 凯瑟琳·拉特克利夫,探索圣. Louis
  • Joseph F. 里根,St. 路易斯地区商会
  • Ellen Sherberg, special adviser, American City Business Journals
  • 帕特·斯莱,博彩网址大全董事会副主席
  • 布兰奇米. Touhill, chancellor emeritus, University of Missouri St. Louis